Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Winter sports

Winter Sports

Real Life

Feb 15 2008


When you can see your own breath and your fingers begin to freeze, most people choose to go to the nearest fire. Others choose to go skiing. Luckily for those in first set of people, the daring feats of skiers can be seen on television.

Skiers jump off cliffs and race down mountains. What with all the flying through the air on a mountain in the middle of winter, skiers might just be crazy. Or maybe Jason and Katie are crazy for passing up on all the fun. You decide.


Jason: I haven’t been skiing or sledding in a while, even though I have, like, really nice skis.

Katie: Oh, you do.

Jason: Yeah. I think, it’s just that it takes so much effort. There’s so much fumbling around with all your stuff.

Katie: Yeah.

Jason: You have to wear like so much gear…gloves and…

Katie: That’s why I don’t go. I’m the wimp. I have to have everything, otherwise I’m too cold to be outside.

Jason: Yeah, totally. You have to bundle up pretty heavily to be out in the snow for any length of time. And that’s what makes it so hard. It’s kinda exhausting. Like, skiing takes up the whole day. You know, cause you have to…You can’t go out the night before cause you have to get up really early to drive out and ski and then you drive back and then you’re so exhausted. that you can’t do anything and you’re exhausted for like a day after too.

Katie: But we’re so lucky that we can go to a mountain in one and day and drive back.

Jason: That’s true. That’s true. Yeah. Most people have to take ski trips to Aspen or some place that’s really far away.

Katie: But I do definitely like watching skiing on TV.

Jason: Totally.

Katie: Especially the jumps and stuff. Nice and warm and cozy in my house.

Jason: Yes, it is much warmer. Imagine being in the live audience at those jump competitions. Like, you would be just standing there freezing.

Katie: Yeah, I don’t know. It would be a good thing to watch.

Jason: Yeah. I bet it looks more impressive in real life. Someone just flying through the air.

Katie: Definitely.


Katie and Jason discuss some of the cons of going skiing. Even though Jason has a a good pair of skis, he thinks it’s too hard to go skiing. He doesn’t like gathering up all his gear and spending so much time preparing to ski. Katie just doesn’t like skiing because she gets too cold.

But most people can’t drive to a place to go skiing in one day, so people in Jason and Katie’s city are lucky. And their city isn’t even that cold considering how close to a mountain it is! Nonetheless, Katie takes advantage of her sofa and TV to watch ski competitions. Jason does too, and they agree that being at a ski competition in person might just be too cold. But wouldn’t it be amazing to see the competitors jump? Which do you think is more fun, winter sports or watching them on TV?

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