Monday, February 4, 2008

Drinking and Driving

Drinking and Driving
Feb 01 2008


Part of what makes drinking so much fun is that it impairs your judgment. When you’re drunk, you do things you might not normally do, like dance until you’re covered in sweat or talk to that person you’ve always liked.

Of course, that absence of fear can hurt you too. Even people who know that drunk driving is wrong sometimes find themselves driving drunk because when it comes time to decide if they’ve had too many, they’re, well, drunk. They need sober people around them to stop them from getting behind the wheel. It’s hard to put your foot down and not let your friends drive drunk, but think of how many lives would be saved if people did that more often.

Beren, Devan and Marni are hanging out and having some beers. Devan has had way too many, but she’s trying to drive home anyway. Watch what happens…



Devan: Let me tell you guys something.

Beren: What?

Devan: You guys are like my best friends. Like I’ve never…in my whole life known…

Marni: Somebody’s had too much to drink.

Devan: I gotta go. I’ll see you guys later.

Beren: Bye!

Marni: Wait, wait, wait.

Devan: I’m gonna go home.

Marni: You’re not driving, are you?

Beren: Dude, don’t be a buzzkill. She can drive. She’s fine. I’ve seen her drive drunker.

Devan: C’mon Beren, let’s go.

Marni: No no no no no. It’s not OK. You’re not going anywhere. Give me your keys.

Devan: What do you mean? I’m going.

Marni: Give me your keys.

Devan: No.

Marni: I will drive you home.

Devan: I can drive.

Beren: Seriously, you’re so square. Just let us be.

Marni: Oh, because I want you guys to live, I’m so square? C’mon!

Devan: What is your deal?

Marni: My deal is I’m not letting you drive home. You’re wasted.

Devan: Let’s go.

Marni: No no no no no. I’m taking your keys. I am taking your keys. Give them to me!

Devan: It’s cool.

Marni: It’s not cool. I am taking your keys.

Devan: Look. I…

Marni: Got them! Not going anywhere.


You know you’re pretty drunk when you start telling all your friends how much you love them. Well, you should know you’re drunk at that point. But as soon as Devan finishes telling Beren and Marni that they’re the best, she gets up to leave.

Marni is surprised that Devan would try to drive and Beren yells that it’s OK. She tries to make Marni feel uncool for trying to stop Devan.

Marni tries everything. She even offers to drive Devan home herself, but there’s no convincing her, so she takes her keys. Beren and Devan are upset in the moment, but they’ll thank her later.

What would you have done if you were in Marni’s position?

Vocab X

c'mon expr.

come on; give me a break; do something

Hey, c'mon! Let's go. I don't want to wait for you anymore.

the best n.

all around great

You know, dad, you're the best. Thanks for everything.

buzzkill n.

something that ends fun, especially with drugs or alcohol

When the cops came to the party, it was a total buzzkill.

put your foot down v.

insist; be firm

I am putting my foot down. No more drug use in this house.

getting behind the wheel v.

driving a car

They say if you're tired, you're just as dangerous behind the wheel as if you're drunk.

impaired judgment n.

when you can't make rational choices anymore

You can't change your will when you're on too much medication because it impairs your judgment.

wasted adj.

really drunk

I was so wasted I forgot my own phone number!

your deal n.

your problem

Why are you being so mean today? What's your deal, man?

let us be expr.

leave us alone

I'm OK. Just let me be. I just want to sit here for a minute and recover.

square adj.

boring, up-tight, lame

Mr. Hansen is an okay teacher, I guess, but he's pretty square. His class isn't exactly fun.



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