Tuesday, February 19, 2008



What would you do if you got pregnant? Well, let’s not open that can of worms because the options aren’t funny. Still, Juno somehow brings humor to the story of teenage pregnancy. With sweet romance and a funny search for adoptive parents, the plot is perfect. Juno is praised as the best new comedy/drama of the year. You might even call it a dramedy.


Mason: I was really excited to see Juno get a lot of Academy Award nominations.

Beren: I actually am super excited. I love Ellen Page and she is incredible.

Mason: She is so f’ing cute.

Beren: Yeah. Yeah. She is pretty cute. She’s really good in the movie. Did you see Hard Candy?

Mason: No. I’d…I’d never heard of her before.

Beren: Yeah. I hadn’t either. I guess she is amazing in that. But yeah. She made Juno.

Mason: Completely carried the movie. Yeah.

Beren: Did you…What did you think of the dialog?

Mason: I loved it.

Beren: Did you?

Mason: Yeah. I loved the heck out of it. I talked that way with my closest friends.

Beren: Oh really.

Mason: Really. I saw it with my best friends and I literally walked out of the theater and was like, “I am really glad the world’s finally starting to talk like us!”

Beren: Really? Like a sixteen-year-old’s Live Journal?

Mason: No, I mean, there is no way that, like, actual kids that age talk that way.

Beren: No. I know. Exactly, right?

Mason: But it’s like, you know…

Beren: It’s like fake teenager. Hollywood teenager.

Mason: I’ll confess to you: I liked Dawson’s
when it came out and I was in high school. And no kids talk like that. I like well-scripted stuff.

Beren: Yeah. I can see that. No. I think overall the movie was excellent.

Mason: Totally great. All around,I think it’s a pretty phenomenal film.


Mason and Beren both loved Juno. They were not surprised to hear that it was nominated for a lot of Academy Awards. Beren and Mason were both impressed with the acting and Mason thought the script was well-written.
Beren loved Ellen Page’s acting and so did Mason. But Mason was most impressed by her looks. Still they agreed she made the movie.
Mason especially liked the script. He said it was like a dialog between him and his friends. Beren, on the other hand, thought it was unrealistic. Teenagers don’t really talk like that. No matter what, Mason liked it.
And overall, Beren and Mason agreed that the film was a must-see. If you and your friends were a movie, what movie would you be?

Vocab X

literally adj.

actually; truthfully; truly

I am literally falling asleep at my desk. I am too tired to do anymore work.

make something v.

is the most important part, is the defining piece

Without her, the band is nothing. She makes the band. The chocolate makes the cake. It is the best part!

the heck adj.

really, extremely

I hate the heck out of my sister.

carry v.

support, sustain; be responsible for the success

Michael Jordan often had to carry his team because he was the best player.

make something v.

is the most important part, is the defining piece

Without her, the band is nothing. She makes the band. The chocolate makes the cake. It is the best part!

f'ing v.

a slang for a swear word (that begins with F)

He keeps f'ing up.

phenomenal adj.

amazing; exceptional; better than most things

This pizza is phenomenal. I've never eaten pizza this good in my whole life.

script n.

the text for a movies

I thought that the script for that movie was a little bit unbelievable.

confess v.

tell, admit

Whoever took my last cookie had better confess!

Live Journal n.

a blogging website, where you keep a public diary

I read on Eric's Live Journal that he and his girlfriend broke up!

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