Friday, February 8, 2008

Will You Be My Valentine? [Real life]

Will You Be My Valentine?

Real Life

Feb 08 2008


Around the middle of February, you might notice a lot of people wearing pink and red. Some of them will be holding hands and smiling, others weeping in a corner. What’s going on?

You almost forgot! Valentine’s Day is around the corner. February 14th is a holiday that became popular in the middle ages when courtly romance was big. It’s a good time to write a love poem or do something special for the person you’re with or want to be with. But that can be a lot of pressure. Amanda and Devan are a little worried about Valentine’s Day, but luckily, they’ve got each other.



Amanda: Hi.

Devan: Hey.

Amanda: I just looked at the calendar…not cool. Do you know what’s coming up?

Devan: Um…your birthday?

Amanda: No. I’d be excited if it were my birthday.

Devan: Oh, Valentine’s Day.

Amanda: Yeah. I’m a romantic and everything, but I just think it’s a ridiculous holiday.

Devan: Isn’t it? Unless you’re in a relationship it’s just such a letdown.

Amanda: Absolutely…

Devan: It’s the most depressing holiday. Sadder than being alone on Christmas.

Amanda: I completely agree. It pretty much reminds everyone that’s single or has just broken out of a relationship that they are lonely and they have nothing to be happy about. And the pressure that it puts on couples. For no reason on one day…what to buy your boyfriend or girlfriend, just ‘cause?

Devan: Yeah, it’s pretty much a big slap to the face for anybody who’s not in a happy relationship.

Amanda: Such a Hallmark holiday, but, you know, I did try to get in the mood and I did bake you some Valentine’s cookies.

Devan: Oh…

Amanda: Will you be my Valentine?

Devan: I’ll be your Valentine. Will you be my Valentine?

Amanda: Absolutely.

Devan: Thank you. Cheers.


Amanda seems strangely serious. She says there’s an important day coming and Devan guesses that it’s her birthday. Amanda says that she’d be excited if it were her birthday. Then Devan remembers…Valentine’s Day.

Since both Amanda and Devan like someone who doesn’t appear to like either of them back, they agree that it’s probably going to be a crumby Valentine’s Day.

But even if they both had boyfriends, Valentine’s Day wouldn’t be any easier. There’s the pressure to do something special and buy a gift. Amanda points out that Valentine’s Day is very commercial nowadays.

But, rather than just feel sorry for herself, Amanda made some cookies and asks Devan if she’ll be her Valentine. Normally your lover is your Valentine. But if you don’t have a lover, a friend will do to keep you company. Of course Devan says yes, and it starts to look like maybe Valentine’s Day won’t be so bad after all.

Hey! Didn’t you hear? Ebaby! Has a special love story for Valentine’s Day!

Vocab X

a let down n.

a disappointment

It was a let down when I found out my brother couldn't come visit me.

commercial adj.

money-making, popular, mass-produced

Many people went to the site to sell things. It was very commercial.

coming up expr.

happening soon, beginning in a short time


courtly romance n.

knights wooing ladies

He wrote me a poem and came to pick me up on a horse. It was like a courtly romance!

middle ages n.

period of European history from the 8th to 13th Centuries

Life in the middle ages was hard if you weren't rich.

around the corner expr.

coming soon; almost here

Saturday is just around the corner and we haven't made plans yet. What are we going to do?

crumby adj.

bad; not desirable (also spelled crummy)

I have a bike but it's pretty crumby. We're probably better off walking.

Hallmark holiday n.

commercial holiday; holiday that exists for money making

Mother's and Father's Day are just excuses for greeting card companies like Hallmark to make money.

slap in the face n.


After 30 years they just fired her with no notice. What a slap in the face!

just because expr.

for no important reason

Sometimes it's nice to go out to dinner just because.

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