Monday, February 25, 2008

The Mars Volta

The Mars Volta


Feb 25 2008


The Mars Volta’s music often seems to come from another world. Guitar solos played in scales that sound so strange the band probably made them up themselves come out of the speakers at high speeds. The rhythm can change from a Latin beat to punk and back within a minute. Electronic effects are often used on the vocals and the lyrics sound like a book of poetry read backwards.

But you might actually be able to hear the spirits on the Mars Volta’s latest album, The Bedlam in Goliath, The band claims to have been communicating with the dead while they were recording. Listen to Marni tell Jason about it.


Marni: So I was just listening to NPR and they were talking about the new Mars Volta record.

Jason: Oh yeah, what’s the concept this time?

Marni: Apparently it’s about a Ouija board. It has a lot to do with this Ouija board they bought and they felt like it was really talking to them and all this weird stuff started happening, like the recording studio flooded and I guess it got really intense to the point where they literally took it, destroyed it and buried it so they could finish recording it.

Jason: All the drugs they do probably helped them think that the Ouija board was talking to them.

Marni: Yeah, I think they do a few substances a little. I mean, their music is weird. I don’t know if I’m really into it.

Jason: What does the new album sound like?

Marni: It’s kind all over the map. They’re obviously very skilled musicians, you know, a lot of weird time signatures, all that sort of, you know, Rush-y kinda…

Jason: But is it just really schizophrenic, like the bit that you heard?

Marni: Yes. I would say that’s a good…

Jason: Because I love how virtuosic they are and how weird their sounds are, but sometimes I think they just need to focus.

Marni: Exactly! It’s just a little too all over the place.

Jason: Make one song.

Marni: Yeah, exactly, I agree with you. But it was definitely interesting. I mean, I gotta give ‘em credit, and the story’s intriguing.


Marni heard some of the new Mars Volta album on the radio. Since previous Mars Volta albums have been made around concepts like dreams in a coma, Jason asks what the concept of the record is this time.

Marni says that the album is based on an experience the band had with a Ouija board, which is board with letters on it that some people believe can be used to communicate with spirits and the dead. When the studio flooded and things started going wrong with the recording, the band decided to destroy the Ouija board and bury it. They finished the album OK after that.

It’s an interesting story, but Marni isn’t sure if she likes the album. She and Jason agree that sometimes the Mars Volta’s music all over the place. Marni thinks it sounds like Rush sometimes, and there’s no doubt that any band that sounds like Rush has got to be a group of amazing musicians.

Grammar Point:
If you listen to the audio, you might find the pronunciation of “Ouija” a little bit confusing. It’s pronounced “WEE-gee,” and no one’s quite sure where the word came from. Since the word doesn’t sound like it starts with a vowel, it’s proper to say “a Ouija” instead of “an Ouija.” It’s capitalized because it’s a trademark. But it’s a common term that’s applied to similar products that aren’t part of the trademark. It’s like how the word “Coke” can actually refer to any soft drink.

Vocab X

time signature n.

the number of beats in a measure

Most songs are in 4/4 time so that's what we're used to, and it's hard to play music other time signatures.

trademark n.

a name owned by a company

The name Sprite is a trademark of the Coke company.

all over the map expr.

varied, diverse

Are those bowling shoes? Is that a cowboy hat? Man, your clothes are all over the map.

substances n.

drugs, controlled substances

I quit doing substances after college, but I had a lot of fun before that.

Ouija board n.

a board with letters on it used for communicating with the dead

The girls at the slumber party played with a Ouija board and it gave them all nightmares.

concept album n.

an album with a theme; an album on which many or all of the songs address a single concept

Some people say that the Beatles' Sgt Pepper's is one of the best concept albums ever made.

coma n.

unconscious for a long time because of an injury

After the accident he was in a coma for a year, but he lived.

all over the place adj.

diverse, varied, unpredicatble

Man, that guy's mood has been all over the place tonight. Angry one moment, happy the next.

virtuosic adj.

requiring a great deal of musical skill or virtuosity

Gamelan music isn't virtuosic at all. It's quite simple and all about team work.

schizophrenic adj.

fractured, non-linear

The movie is kind of schizophrenic. The setting changes every few minutes.

Black history month

Black History Month

Real Life

Feb 22 2008


Black history is a very important part of American history. But it wasn’t always viewed that way. As African-Americans have struggled for equality, they have also struggled for recognition for those who came before them.

Since African-American history was largely ignored for a long time and not taught in schools, February is national Black History Month. The month serves to make sure that people like Frederick Douglass, an escaped slave and successful author, and Abraham Lincoln, the President who freed the slaves, aren’t forgotten.

Lincoln and Douglass were both born in February, which is how the month was chosen. But lots of other important moments in black history happened in February. Blacks were given the right to vote, and the first black senator was elected in February. It’s also the month that famous militant leader Malcolm X was assassinated.

But black history isn’t all politics. It’s also community. Listen to Devan and Beren talk about how Black History Month can make you think about the history of your neighborhood.


Beren: So, uh, February’s Black History Month. I don’t know…Are there lots of events surrounding it? I’m aware, but only because I live in the section of the city where it’s predominantly African-Americans.

Devan: I just started college so being in school makes you take a lot more note of it than I would normally. We’ve been discussing Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and the whole civil rights movement, but I feel like normal, working people don’t have a lot of exposure to the month and I think it’s important. I think there should be more activities in the community to celebrate it.

Beren: Yeah, definitely. I think…I don’t know, especially in…where it’s predominantly African-American, they do…They have whole days devoted to different African-American history details like the history of the neighborhood, but I think people in the outer reaches have no idea what’s going on.

Devan: That’s interesting. Are you going to partake in some of the events?

Beren: Possibly.


Beren asks Devan if there are a lot of events going on for Black History Month. Devan isn’t sure, but she says that black history has been a topic of discussion at her school. She worries that people who aren’t in school might not notice that it’s Black History Month.

Beren says that she notices it’s Black History Month because there are celebrations in her neighborhood of the area’s black heritage.

What’s the history of your neighborhood? Is it tied to the history of your country?

Vocab X

predominantly adv.

mostly; refers to the majority

Germany is predominantly inhabited by Germans, but lots of Turks live there too.

heritage n.

cultural history or background

My heritage is French, German and Bohemian.

surrounding expr.

about,in relation to

The circumstances surrounding his death were mysterious.

assassinated v.

murdered by surprise, usually applied to famous people

The people rioted when the king was assassinated.

black adj.

having dark brown skin; of African ancestry

There are a lot of black people in Atlanta, Georgia.

recognition n.

credit; honor

I think Mike deserves some recognition for all the work he did to make this event happen.

partake v.

participate; benefit from; have some

I would like to partake of your pecan pie.

outer reaches n.

edges of the city or country

The people get more religious the further you go into the outer reaches.

civil rights movement n.

a struggle throughout the past few hundred years for minorities (women, blacks, etc) to gain equal rights in the US

Martin Luther King was one of the greatest leaders in the civil rights movement.

take note v.

notice, pay attention to

Please take note: the water will be shut off tomorrow for repairs.

Stick in the Mud

stick in the mud


Feb 21 2008


“My character, Will, is a bit of a stick in the mud who goes on an adventure to find the girl of his dreams.”

- Actor Orlando Bloom on the unlikely hero of Pirates of the Caribbean. (Sneak Magazine)


Someone who is boring, slow and not flexible


A stick is a small branch of a tree. Picture one of those stuck in some mud. It would be rather hard to drag it through the mud, and if you tried to, you’d break it.

Now think of a person who would be sort of like that. A stick-in-the-mud is a really boring person who never wants to try something new. Your little brother who always ruins all your fun and cries whenever you take him somewhere is a stick-in-the-mud.

A lot of times, sticks-in-the-mud are people who have conservative, outdated beliefs that they refuse to give up.

Orlando Bloom’s character in Pirates of the Caribbean starts out as a stick-in-the-mud, but then he goes on a great adventure.
So, basically, you don’t want to be called a a stick-in-the-mud. But as long as you are a fun person, no one will think you’re a stick-in-the-mud. And if your friends don’t want to go out with you, you can call them sticks-in-the-mud!


””My grandparents are sticks in the mud.”
“Don’t be a stick in the mud. Come out with us!”
“You never want to do anything new. You are an old stick in the mud.” “

Grammar Point

Don’t forget that the expression A stick-in-the-mud is quite different from stick up for yourself. Stick up for yourself next time your fun is ruined by a stick-in-the-mud!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Heath Ledger [Movie]

Heath Ledger 1979 - 2008


Feb 20 2008


Ever since he danced across the bleachers while singing in 10 Things I Hate I About You in 1999, Heath Ledger has been one of Hollywood’s most popular actors. Tragically, the Australian star died last month at the age of 28.

Ledger’s death, and the mysterious circumstances surrounding it, have been a major topic of conversation lately both in the media and among friends. Listen in as Marni tells Amanda the bad news.


Marni: Did you hear about Heath Ledger?

Amanda: What about him?

Marni: Oh my God, he died.

Amanda: What? What is he, 27, 28 years old?

Marni: 28 years old and he died…

Amanda: Baby girl, right?

Marni: Yes.

Amanda: Didn’t he just separate from his wife? Recently, maybe within the last six months?

Marni: Yeah. Michelle Williams.

Amanda: OK I have to ask. Suicide? Drug overdose? It wasn’t a murder, right?

Marni: No. They don’t really know. And there was this whole weird involvement with Mary-Kate Olsen apparently.

Amanda: What?

Marni: Well, he was unconscious and his masseuse came in and thought he was sleeping, was setting up for a massage and called Mary-Kate Olsen instead of calling 9-1-1 immediately and there may be repercussions with that. In actuality, he was already dead so there was nothing they could have done.

Amanda: Interesting. Mary-Kate Olsen.

Marni: Yeah. So, I don’t know they’re connected…friends…

Amanda: Autopsy yet?

Marni: Not yet, but apparently he was taking Ambien…

Amanda: That’s it?

Marni: And they think he may have actually overdosed on that. Or potentially had a heart attack. I’ve also heard that.

Amanda: At 28 though? I guess it’s possible.

Marni: Very very sad. He was very talented. And get this. This is the crazy thing. People were protesting at his funeral.

Amanda: Why?

Marni: Because of his role in Brokeback Mountain.

Amanda: Oh, because it was phenomenal?

Marni: Well, exactly but apparently because they are such horrible people that they would protest a role that he played…

Amanda: That would have been wonderful for his wife and his daughter, you know?

Marni: Yeah, and his family. That’s really nice.

Amanda: That was his breakthrough performance.

Marni: It was incredible, and I think he was very talented and he will be missed.

Amanda: He just got started.


Amanda hadn’t heard that Heath Ledger died. When Marni tells her, the first thing she thinks of is his baby daughter and his wife from whom he separated only six months ago.

When Amanda asks how Ledger died, Marni says that no one is quite sure but that it somehow involved young actress Mary-Kate Olsen. Amanda is quite surprised and Marni explains that when Ledger’s masseuse found him dead, she called Mary-Kate Olsen for some reason.

Marni guesses that Ledger may have died of an accidental overdose of prescription drugs. This has since been confirmed as the cause of his death.

Vocab X

9-1-1 n.

police emergency line

Somebody call 9-1-1! There's been an accident!

prescription drug n.

drugs a doctor tells you to take; medicine

The doctor was fired for giving prescription drugs to people who didn't need them

masseuse n.

a woman who gives massages

Someday I'll be a star with my own personal masseuse. Until then, my back will just have to hurt.

drug overdose n.

when some dies or comes close to dying from consuming a lot of drugs in one sitting

It was the first time he had tried heroin, and tragically, he overdosed.

separate v.

to no longer live with your husband or wife in preparation for a divorce

My husband and I haven't divorced yet, but we've been separated for a year.

bleachers n.

rows of seats where spectators sit at sporting events

The pass was so bad that the ball landed in the bleachers.

breakthrough n.

event that changes things; major event that makes a difference

Michael Jordan had a breakthrough game when he scored 63 points.

phenomenal adj.

amazing; exceptional; better than most things

This pizza is phenomenal. I've never eaten pizza this good in my whole life.

heart attack n.

when someone's heart valves are clogged; the heart stops beating

My great grandfather had a heart attack and died.

autopsy n.

a medical procedure that determines how someone died

The autopsy revealed that she had been poisoned.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Did Devan lie

English Lessons

Did Devan Lie? English, baby! Video Lesson


Feb 19 2008


Would you lie to get what you want?
Surely, if you’ve been following the soap opera here on Ebaby!, the thought has crossed your mind that Devan might have lied.

Let’s look at the facts. Devan likes Mason and so does Amanda. But Devan told Jason that Amanda likes him. And you saw their date last week. It sure doesn’t look like Amanda likes Jason.

So what’s going on? Did Devan lie to Jason as part of her plan to win Mason? Watch Marni put Devan on the spot.



Marni: I, I want to ask you something and I hope…I just want to ask you and I hope you’re not offended, but I just feel like I need to know. This whole Mason and Amanda thing. Did you…

Devan: What about Mason and Amanda?

Marni: Well, we’ve sort of figured…We realized that there was some miscommunication and that you told Jason that Amanda liked him but in reality we realized that she actually likes Mason…

Devan: Yeah, but isn’t it working out? Aren’t her and Jason, like dating now? That’s what I heard.

Marni: I don’t think so…

Devan: So she still likes Mason then?

Marni: As far as I know, yes. Well, what I was going to ask you is, did you, like deliberately kind of plant misinformation…

Devan: What?

Marni: I just had to ask you…

Devan: Why would I do that? I don’t understand why I would do such a thing.

Marni: I don’t know that you would. I’m just asking because it’s kind of interesting the way things are working out but I just had to ask. Sorry, I just gotta ask.

Devan: You know, I heard that her and Jason are getting along really great. I think they should really pursue that. Do you really think that Mason and Amanda are a good fit? I mean, Mason and Amanda or Jason and Amanda. What makes sense?

Marni: I…It’s all about feelings, right. I just had to ask to see what you…And I’m sorry if I offended you, I don’t think you’re that kind of person, I was just wondering because I know how you feel about Mason and…

Devan: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Marni: Okay. Sorry. Alright. Let’s just drop it.


When Marni gets Devan alone on the fire escape, she takes the opportunity to ask her if she lied to Jason.

Devan says that she really did think Amanda liked Jason, and even if she got confused and told him the wrong thing, they’re dating now so everything is OK. She says she doesn’t know why Marni would think she would do such a rotten thing.

Marni says that doesn’t know for sure that Devan did anything wrong, but that the situation sure is strange. Devan says that nothing is strange, that Jason and Amanda are together and make a good couple. When Marni finally says that Devan likes Mason, Devan pretends she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.

What do you think happened? Was Devan confused or lying? Have you ever been unable to tell if one of your friends was lying?

Vocab X

such a thing n.

a strange or bad thing

He told you he's joining the circus? Why would he do such a thing?

rotten adj.

slang for mean, untrustworthy, bad

That kid stole my lunch money. I don't like him. He's rotten.

plant v.

give, distribute, leave behind

The police officer planted the evidence that led to the arrest of the innocent man.

work out v.

be successful; have a good conclusion

We tried dating for a few months but it didn't work out.

put on the spot v.

be direct with someone; force someone to answer immediately

He put me on the spot and demanded an answer right then so I said no.

no doubt crossed your mind expr.

surely been thought about

It no doubt crossed the burglars mind to turn around and go home, but he broke in anyway.

fire escape n.

a series of metal ladders and platforms on the outside of a tall building, used to exit during a fire

I'm going out to the fire escape to smoke a cigarette. Anyone want to come?

drop it v.

stop talking about it; forget this topic

Will you just drop it? I told you I don't want to talk about what happened last night.

good fit n.

a good match, good combination

We just don't feel that you're a very good fit with this company.

get along v.

work well together; be friendly with one another

I would rather not drive in his car to the party because we don't get along.

Foo Fighter

Foo Fighters


Feb 18 2008


What on Earth is Foo? It’s tough to say. But one thing’s certain, it’s not just the unusual name that makes the Foo Fighters memorable. The name would mean nothing without the talents of lead singer, songwriter, and former Nirvana drummer, Dave Grohl.

Mason has been listening to the Foo Fighters since the mid-nineties, and so have millions of others. The Foo Fighters continue to grow, challenge themselves and make new music. Their latest album, Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace is doing well and Mason and Beren are impressed that Grohl has remained grounded through years of being a rock star.


Mason: You know, I got to say a band that is like always on my radar is the Foo Fighters.

Beren: Oh Yeah. Yeah.

Mason: ‘Cause I was into Nirvana as a younger kid and that whole thing.

Beren: I loved Nirvana. Yeah, yeah.

Mason: And then their first album that Dave Grohl made all on his own in the aftermath of Kurt Cobain dying was so angry. It was really raw.

Beren: Yeah.

Mason: It was in the period of time that like music kinda mattered more than it usually does.

Beren: Yeah. I think that’s true.

Mason: So just, like, even though I don’t necessarily like where they have gone as a band they’re just someone that I always kinda keep an eye out for.

Beren: Yeah. I am a big fan of the name.

Mason: Yeah.

Beren: I just thought that was just the best name.

Mason: Because what does it come from again? I kinda forget.

Beren: It’s the Japanese…what the Japanese call UFOs, apparently. Foo Fighters.

Mason: Right. Foo Fighters, they called the UFOs. Or was it like an Air Force thing that, like, looked out for UFOs.

Beren: Ohh. I’m not exactly sure. But I just always thought that was is such a great…

Mason: Something Air Forcey, right? And their first album cover was a like weird laser gun. So that would…

Beren: But, so have you heard the new one?

Mason: Oh yeah.

Beren: I actually heard Dave Grohl being interviewed and he was talking about how he plays music with his daughter and how he’s teaching her words via music. I just thought that was so cool. what a great way, you know, to connect with your infant daughter.

Mason: Rock and roll dad.

Beren: Yeah, exactly. What a cool dad, Dave Grohl!

Mason: Who would have thought.

Beren: But yeah the Foo Fighters. No I think they are a good band.

Mason: Sure. Sure.


Mason likes the Foo Fighters. He has for a long time. Even before Dave Grohl started the Foo Fighters, Mason liked him as the drummer in Nirvana. He says that those bands made music seem like it mattered more at that time than it seems to now. Beren agrees. She likes both bands too.

Beren is generally impressed with Dave Grohl, both as a musician and a father. Turns out Dave Grohl is a family man. He plays music with his daughter and even takes his mother with him on tour. How sweet!

Do you think it’s possible to be a rock star and a good parent? Or is it too hard?

Grammar Point

If you add a “y” on the end of a noun, you make an adjective…even if the word doesn’t exist! It can be used as slang. So when Mason said “Air Forcey,” he meant the name Foo Fighters has something to do with the Air Force. It was similar to the Air Force in some way.

In addition to slang, some real adjectives are actually English nouns with a “y” on the end, like salty, faulty and juicy. Can you think of more?

Winter sports

Winter Sports

Real Life

Feb 15 2008


When you can see your own breath and your fingers begin to freeze, most people choose to go to the nearest fire. Others choose to go skiing. Luckily for those in first set of people, the daring feats of skiers can be seen on television.

Skiers jump off cliffs and race down mountains. What with all the flying through the air on a mountain in the middle of winter, skiers might just be crazy. Or maybe Jason and Katie are crazy for passing up on all the fun. You decide.


Jason: I haven’t been skiing or sledding in a while, even though I have, like, really nice skis.

Katie: Oh, you do.

Jason: Yeah. I think, it’s just that it takes so much effort. There’s so much fumbling around with all your stuff.

Katie: Yeah.

Jason: You have to wear like so much gear…gloves and…

Katie: That’s why I don’t go. I’m the wimp. I have to have everything, otherwise I’m too cold to be outside.

Jason: Yeah, totally. You have to bundle up pretty heavily to be out in the snow for any length of time. And that’s what makes it so hard. It’s kinda exhausting. Like, skiing takes up the whole day. You know, cause you have to…You can’t go out the night before cause you have to get up really early to drive out and ski and then you drive back and then you’re so exhausted. that you can’t do anything and you’re exhausted for like a day after too.

Katie: But we’re so lucky that we can go to a mountain in one and day and drive back.

Jason: That’s true. That’s true. Yeah. Most people have to take ski trips to Aspen or some place that’s really far away.

Katie: But I do definitely like watching skiing on TV.

Jason: Totally.

Katie: Especially the jumps and stuff. Nice and warm and cozy in my house.

Jason: Yes, it is much warmer. Imagine being in the live audience at those jump competitions. Like, you would be just standing there freezing.

Katie: Yeah, I don’t know. It would be a good thing to watch.

Jason: Yeah. I bet it looks more impressive in real life. Someone just flying through the air.

Katie: Definitely.


Katie and Jason discuss some of the cons of going skiing. Even though Jason has a a good pair of skis, he thinks it’s too hard to go skiing. He doesn’t like gathering up all his gear and spending so much time preparing to ski. Katie just doesn’t like skiing because she gets too cold.

But most people can’t drive to a place to go skiing in one day, so people in Jason and Katie’s city are lucky. And their city isn’t even that cold considering how close to a mountain it is! Nonetheless, Katie takes advantage of her sofa and TV to watch ski competitions. Jason does too, and they agree that being at a ski competition in person might just be too cold. But wouldn’t it be amazing to see the competitors jump? Which do you think is more fun, winter sports or watching them on TV?