Thursday, March 13, 2008

Tea time

English Lessons

Tea Time English, baby! Video Lesson

Real Life

Mar 14 2008


One thing that almost every culture has some version of is tea. It’s just so nice to drink something warm with a soft flavor. Tea has a little caffeine in it, but not enough to keep you up or make you wired. A lot of teas are good for you too.

There’s a tea for almost every occasion: breakfast, dessert, bedtime. But sometimes there’s no occasion. You just want some tea. Watch Amanda and Marni decide which kind of tea to drink today.



Amanda: So, I am so sorry it’s cold in here, but I think I have something that might warm you up. I’ve got some tea selections.

Marni: I guess you do. I love tea.

Amanda: Me too. It’s the new coffee.

Marni: The new coffee you think? I guess it’s always been the new coffee for me because I don’t like it.

Amanda: It’s easier on your stomach. It’s about a third of the cost. You might not look as cool walking around with a little tea bag…

Marni: I never worry about looking cool.

Amanda: Oh, you don’t? I do a little bit. But if I get a Starbuck’s tea, I’ll usually tuck that tag in there.

Marni: Oh wow.

Amanda: Looks like a cup of joe.

Marni: I never tuck. So, yeah, these are very nice assortments. I’m a big fan of peppermint tea, very good for the stomach if you’re not feeling well. Chamomile, really relaxing…

Amanda: ...if you’re a little stressed out.

Marni: But today I’m going to with the spice rooibos ruby red chai that sounds very exotic.

Amanda: Sugar? Cream?

Marni: No just straight.

Amanda: Splenda?

Marni: No.

Amanda: Straight up?

Marni: Just straight up. Thanks, my throat…

Amanda: I’ll be back in a jif, OK?


Amanda apologizes that her house is a little cold, but offers Marni some tea to warm her up. She sits down next to her with more boxes of tea than she can carry!

Amanda and Marni both like tea, but Amanda thinks it’s cooler to drink coffee. Sometimes she disguises her tea as coffee in order to look cool.

Marni looks at the different kinds of tea and chooses the one that sounds the most exotic to her. Amanda gets up to make it for her and Marni says she’d like the tea plain.

What sort of tea is there in your country? Do you put sugar or cream or anything in it? Did you notice the Turkish tea that shows up in our wedding video?

Grammar Point

Notice how Amanda says that tea “is the new coffee.” If you want to say that something has recently become cool, you compare it to something already cool. Someone who’s into biking might say, “Bicycles are totally the new cars, dude.”

Vocab X

cup of joe n.

slang for coffee

Are you tired? Do you need another cup of joe to stay awake?

back in a jif expr.

be right back; short for back in a jiffy

Just wait right here. I'll be back in a jif.

tuck v.

put something into something else

Can you tuck in the sheets around the bed? I like it when they're on the mattress tight.

good for you expr.

healthy, good for your health

I know this stuff tastes bad, but trust me, it's good for you.

wired adj.

restless, hyper

After that long drive, I'm totally wired. Let's go dancing or something!

caffeine n.

a mild drug contained in coffee, chocolate and tea

I love caffeine! It makes me feel smart. I can't think without it.

I love caffeine! It makes me feel smart. I can't think without it.

Splenda n.

fake sugar

This is really sweet, but it tastes weird. Is it made with Splenda?

straight adj.

not mixed with anything

I like my whiskey straight. No water or soda.

exotic adj.

from far away; different and interesting

The lotus is an exotic flower.

stressed out expr.

worried, over-worked

I feel stressed out when I have too much to do at once.

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