Thursday, March 13, 2008

I am Legend

I Am Legend


Mar 12 2008


It’s a familiar concept to us now, but when Richard Matheson wrote his novel I Am Legend in 1954, the idea of a world completely destroyed by disease was relatively new.

The book, which describes a disease that turns people into monsters that resemble both vampires and zombies, was made into a film for the third time in 2007. Will Smith has the difficult task of playing the last man on Earth. Devan thinks he pulls it off, but Mason’s not so sure.


Devan: Have you seen I am Legend yet?

Mason: Uh, kind of, I practically fell asleep during it. It wasn’t really my kind of thing.

Devan: Oh. How come?

Mason: I don’t know. I’m not a huge Will Smith fan and the whole post-apocalyptic thing just…

Devan: Yeah, I’m not really into that either, but I heard he did a really good job in it. Having to do all that dialog on his own must have been really challenging. I guess it wouldn’t be dialog…I guess that would be monologue...

Mason: Technically. But you know, whatever. He talks to the dog so you can call it a dialog, if you want. The dog barks a few times. But seriously, to me he’s not the kind of actor that carries a movie that, like that I’d go see a movie just for Will Smith in it.

Devan: Just to see Will Smith talking…

Mason: But, listen, some of it had some compelling scenes. I know it was based on an old science fiction book and there are some other adaptations that I heard are better.

Devan: I saw the Charlton Heston version…

Mason: That was The Omega Man, right?

Devan: That was terrible.

Mason: Ha!

Devan: But I heard that the original, original one, which is called something else.

Mason: The Alpha Man?

Devan: Something like that. I heard the original one is great.


Mason says he almost fell asleep while watching I Am Legend because Will Smith is on-screen alone so much of the time and he’s not a huge Will Smith fan.

Devan says that an earlier version of the film that stars Charlton Heston isn’t any good, but that the first adaptation of the book (which is actually called The Last Man on Earth, not The Alpha Man) is the best.

What actor do you think could pull off a movie full of monologues?

Grammar Point

Sometimes if you’re talking about a lot of objects, it helps to repeat an adjective so people will know what you’re talking about. Notice how Devan calls the first movie made from the book, “the original, original.” She doesn’t want Mason to get confused and think she’s talking another early version of the film she already mentioned.

For instance, if someone said, “Today is the last day to turn in your assignment,” and you didn’t know that, and you’re about to panic, you might say, “The last, last day?” meaning, “Is it really the last day?”

Vocab X

monologue n.

speech; when one person talks

I have to memorize a ten-minute monologue for the audition for the play.

adaptation n.

when a book is made into a movie

I thought American Psycho was a great adaptation from the book.

post-apocalyptic adj.

after the end of the world

Your computer is pretty post-apocalyptic, dude. Are those wires poking out of it?

my thing expr.

something I like to do

I don't want to go to the club tonight. Dancing's not really my thing.

I don't want to go to the club tonight. Dancing's not really my thing.

practically adv.

might as well have; basically

I was practically up all night there was so much noise.

pull it off v.

succeed at something difficult

I really want to be a full time student and work full time, but I don't know if I can pull it off.

science fiction n.

imaginary stories related to science or the future

My favorite science fiction show is Star Trek.

compelling adj.

interesting, intriguing, demanding attention

This book I'm reading is really compelling. I can't stop reading it. I want to find out what happens next.

carry v.

support, sustain; be responsible for the success

Michael Jordan often had to carry his team because he was the best player.

technically adv.

in accordance with a strict interpretation of the rules

It's hard to believe, but technically you don't have to pay rent if your kitchen sink is broken.

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