Friday, March 14, 2008

Time off before College

Time Off Before College

Real Life

Mar 14 2008


Finishing high school is a crossroads of sorts. You can go straight into your career, or you can keep going to school.

But just because you picked one plan doesn’t mean you can’t change your mind. People leave school to go work all the time. And after working for a few years, a lot of people go back to school.

Neither Marni nor Devan finished college right after school and Devan’s a little nervous about it. But since Marni is a few years older, she can give Devan advice about it.


Devan: So I just started college after taking three years off after high school.

Marni: Oh yeah?

Devan: I’m feeling completely out of practice. I’m a little overwhelmed because all of the other kids that are my age are already seniors and they’re graduating this year, and I’m just a freshman and I feel kind of at a disadvantage.

Marni: Really? Well, I don’t know. I kind of did the same thing. I started college right after high school and I did a year and it was just too much, and I took some time off and went back. I actually felt like I appreciated my education more because I was ready for it and, you know…

Devan: That’s interesting. That’s a good point. I think that’s why I didn’t go after high school is because I wasn’t ready. I needed a break.

Marni: Exactly.

Devan: Did it take you a while to remember how to format papers and stuff like that?

Marni: Yeah, and I was an English major so I had to do a lot of that. But you catch on quickly and you just kind of power through and…Are you taking a lot of credits? Because if you overload yourself, you know, right away, it can be overwhelming.

Devan: I’m trying to take it slow and ease back into it. But I’m excited. Hopefully my outside experience will help me.


After three years of not going to school, Devan just started college. She says it’s a little strange since the other students her age are about to graduate and she’s just starting out.

Marni went to college for one year, but then left to work for a while. When she came back, she didn’t feel weird about it like Devan. She was glad to back and felt like she could finally appreciate her education. She admits that it took her a little while to remember how to write papers properly, but she also says it wasn’t too hard to get back into it.

Which do you think is best? To go to college as soon as possible and be the same age as the other people there, or to work for a little while and then go back to school?

Grammar Point

Notice that Devan says she’s a “freshman” in college. This means it’s her first year of school. Even though the word has “man” in it, it can apply to both men and women, but some people use the term “first year” instead to avoid confusion.

Sometimes new members leave comments on Ebaby! saying that they are a “freshman to the site” or something like that. Although it gets the point across, that’s not a proper use of the term. “Freshman” really only applies to schools.

Vocab X

too much expr.

overwhelming, a lot to deal with

Two jobs and a child was just too much. She eventually went crazy.

overload v.

to take on too much

We don't want to over load the horses so we only carry enough water for one day.

senior year n.

final year of high school or college

Senior year was really easy for me because I got all the hard classes out of the way early.

overwhelmed v.

overpowered, given more than one is prepared for

I was overwhelmed when I found out I could graduate next month from college.

take off v.

to not work

I think I might take Friday off and visit my mom.

crossroads n.

point in time when something will change; time when an important decision about life must be made

After college, I was at a crossroads. I couldn't decide whether to move back to my hometown, or to move to New York City.

power through v.

continue despite difficulties

Even though our funding has been cut, we're going to power through and finish the program.

major n.

a college student's main area of study

She's a biology major so she spends a lot of time in the lab.

paper n.

essay, a piece of writing

I have to write a paper for my history class this weekend.

time off n.

time away from something

I'm going to take some time off this summer and work on painting.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Tea time

English Lessons

Tea Time English, baby! Video Lesson

Real Life

Mar 14 2008


One thing that almost every culture has some version of is tea. It’s just so nice to drink something warm with a soft flavor. Tea has a little caffeine in it, but not enough to keep you up or make you wired. A lot of teas are good for you too.

There’s a tea for almost every occasion: breakfast, dessert, bedtime. But sometimes there’s no occasion. You just want some tea. Watch Amanda and Marni decide which kind of tea to drink today.



Amanda: So, I am so sorry it’s cold in here, but I think I have something that might warm you up. I’ve got some tea selections.

Marni: I guess you do. I love tea.

Amanda: Me too. It’s the new coffee.

Marni: The new coffee you think? I guess it’s always been the new coffee for me because I don’t like it.

Amanda: It’s easier on your stomach. It’s about a third of the cost. You might not look as cool walking around with a little tea bag…

Marni: I never worry about looking cool.

Amanda: Oh, you don’t? I do a little bit. But if I get a Starbuck’s tea, I’ll usually tuck that tag in there.

Marni: Oh wow.

Amanda: Looks like a cup of joe.

Marni: I never tuck. So, yeah, these are very nice assortments. I’m a big fan of peppermint tea, very good for the stomach if you’re not feeling well. Chamomile, really relaxing…

Amanda: ...if you’re a little stressed out.

Marni: But today I’m going to with the spice rooibos ruby red chai that sounds very exotic.

Amanda: Sugar? Cream?

Marni: No just straight.

Amanda: Splenda?

Marni: No.

Amanda: Straight up?

Marni: Just straight up. Thanks, my throat…

Amanda: I’ll be back in a jif, OK?


Amanda apologizes that her house is a little cold, but offers Marni some tea to warm her up. She sits down next to her with more boxes of tea than she can carry!

Amanda and Marni both like tea, but Amanda thinks it’s cooler to drink coffee. Sometimes she disguises her tea as coffee in order to look cool.

Marni looks at the different kinds of tea and chooses the one that sounds the most exotic to her. Amanda gets up to make it for her and Marni says she’d like the tea plain.

What sort of tea is there in your country? Do you put sugar or cream or anything in it? Did you notice the Turkish tea that shows up in our wedding video?

Grammar Point

Notice how Amanda says that tea “is the new coffee.” If you want to say that something has recently become cool, you compare it to something already cool. Someone who’s into biking might say, “Bicycles are totally the new cars, dude.”

Vocab X

cup of joe n.

slang for coffee

Are you tired? Do you need another cup of joe to stay awake?

back in a jif expr.

be right back; short for back in a jiffy

Just wait right here. I'll be back in a jif.

tuck v.

put something into something else

Can you tuck in the sheets around the bed? I like it when they're on the mattress tight.

good for you expr.

healthy, good for your health

I know this stuff tastes bad, but trust me, it's good for you.

wired adj.

restless, hyper

After that long drive, I'm totally wired. Let's go dancing or something!

caffeine n.

a mild drug contained in coffee, chocolate and tea

I love caffeine! It makes me feel smart. I can't think without it.

I love caffeine! It makes me feel smart. I can't think without it.

Splenda n.

fake sugar

This is really sweet, but it tastes weird. Is it made with Splenda?

straight adj.

not mixed with anything

I like my whiskey straight. No water or soda.

exotic adj.

from far away; different and interesting

The lotus is an exotic flower.

stressed out expr.

worried, over-worked

I feel stressed out when I have too much to do at once.

Remembering Ike Turner

Remembering Ike Turner


Mar 10 2008


Ike Turner is one of the unsung heroes of American music. When you hear the words, “Rolling on the river,” you can’t help but imagine Tina Turner’s tough and tense voice shouting them. But behind her, playing guitar and doing backup vocals, was her husband, Ike, the creative leader of the Ike and Tina Turner Revue.

But Ike made headlines as often as he made hit singles. He frequently hit Tina and cheated on her. He even spent some time in jail for drug use in the 1990s. Unfortunately, Ike never kicked his drug habit. He died of an overdose late last year.

Listen to Beren and Jason talk about Ike’s death and career.


Beren: So, uh, Ike Turner died of a cocaine overdose.

Jason: A cocaine overdose?

Beren: Uh, yeah, he was like 68 years old.

Jason: Whoa. What 68-year-old dies of a cocaine overdose?

Beren: I don’t know. He’s considered James Brown’s contemporary. Back in the day Ike Turner was considered a really, really good band leader. He had a team of crack musicians behind him and, of course, Tina.

Jason: That’s what he’s most famous for. Is kind of being an abusive husband.

Beren: Yeah. It’s not sad that that overshadows his work as a musician. I think it should, but it’s kind of interesting that he is such a talented person but the mistakes he made have diminished what he gave to R&B and soul music. That’s crazy. Because you think about James Brown, you know, there’s a guy who would take the police on hundred-mile chases, high on PCP, and when he died, people were calling him “the Godfather of Soul.”

Jason: Totally. He’s remembered for his musical contributions, but Ike…you can’t think of the name Ike Turner without thinking about him…

Beren: ...being a wife beater, basically.

Jason: Do you think that’s a good thing?

Beren: I think that’s a good thing. I think the annals of music, when people look back on it, he’ll definitely be noted when people are talking about soul, like, ‘60s soul and R&B and the birth of even, like, hip hop and really good funk. But I also think people will always say, “Oh, if he hadn’t beat Tina he could have done so much more.” Because I think it really stalled his career too when she left him and that’s why you don’t hear of him as the co-godfather of soul. Rest in peace, Ike.


Jason hadn’t heard yet that Ike Turner had died. He’s surprised to learn that the musician died of a cocaine overdose because he seems too old to do cocaine. In fact, Ike was older than Beren thought he was. He was actually 76, not 68.

Beren explains that Ike used to be as well-known and respected as James Brown. Of course, now he’s most widely known as Tina’s abusive husband. Beren thinks that his music won’t be left out of music history and that he deserves the damaged reputation he has. But she makes it clear that she respects him by saying, “Rest in peace,” at the end of the dialog.

Which do you think is more important, the music a star makes, or the successes and failures of their personal lives?

Vocab X

back in the day expr.

some time ago; a while back

Back in the day, I used to ski 3 or 4 times a week. Now I'm lucky if I go that many times a year.

PCP n.

a drug that makes you wild and strong

The man the police arrested broke his handcuffs with his hands. They suspect he was on PCP.

contemporary n.

someone who was alive at the same time and equally important

Milton was Shakespeare's contemporary, but he's much less famous now.

kick v.

get rid of; quit or stop doing

I'm want to kick the girlfriend, but I just can't do it.

cheated v.

kissed or slept with someone other than your girlfriend or boyfriend

I've never cheated on anyone. I just couldn't hurt someone like that.

unsung hero n.

someone important who isn't talked about all that much

Latin Americans are the unsung heroes of the American economy.

soul n.

music related to African-American gospel singing and rhythm and blues

My dad loves soul music. He listens to Stevie Wonder and Aretha Franklin all the time.

R&B n.

Rhythm and Blues; a genre of music that has soulful vocals and strong bass lines with influences from jazz, blues and gospel

I love R&B and Hip Hop, but I don't like Country music at all. My favorite R&B singer is Alicia Keys.

abusive adj.

damaging, hurtful or unkind

Brenda's ex-husband was very abusive. That's why she got a divorce.

crack adj.

highly skilled

Our crack team of investigators will solve this case in no time.

Bad news

Bad News English, baby! Video Lesson


Mar 11 2008


As excited as you must have been last week when Mason and Amanda finally got together, you must have been at least a little worried about how Devan and Jason would take it.

Even though his attempts to date Amanda weren’t going so well, Devan told Jason that Amanda liked him. And then Mason even encouraged him to try to date Amanda. Poor guy. There’s no way he could have seen this coming.

And, of course, Devan likes Mason too. She even might have lied to try to prevent him from getting together with Amanda.

So the news about Mason and Amanda is not anything Jason and Devan want to hear. But watch as they find out what’s going on.



Devan: So how are things going with Amanda?

Jason: Oh, they’re going great.

Devan: Really?

Jason: Yeah.

Devan: Good? Like, you guys are dating?

Jason: I think so. I mean, like, we went on a date. I suppose that would constitute dating. And it went really well. We’re doing the whole take it slow thing, like I told you. I didn’t even try to kiss her or anything afterward, but yeah, I think it’s going great. I sent her a text message to see if she wanted to get together maybe later tonight in a little bit so…

Devan: Great. That is great, great news. So you think that you guys are pretty much just into each other then, right?

Jason: I think so. I mean, I don’t know. Hope so.

Devan: That is great news!

Jason: Oh, I’m vibrating, hang on.

Devan: Is it her?

Jason: Yeah it’s her…Oh.

Devan: What?

Jason: Uh, she said that she wants to hang out tonight, but that I should know that she’s seeing Mason.

Devan: What?

Jason: Yeah, I know…

Devan: What? No, no, no. What?

Jason: Yeah, I mean that’s what it says, look.

Devan: No this is all wrong. I mean, for you. This is terrible for you.

Jason: I know.

Devan: What? Are you sure? Well that just figures.


Devan asks Jason how things are going with Amanda and he says they’re going well. They’re taking it slow and they went on a date.

Devan is happy for Jason, but she’s also happy for herself because Amanda is out of the picture when it comes to Mason, or so she thinks.

Jason had sent a text message to Amanda to ask if she wanted to hang out later. As he and Devan are talking, he gets a reply. Amanda says that they can still hang out, but that’s she’s seeing Mason now.

Devan is shocked and upset, but she tries to hide from Jason that she’s thinking about herself and how she won’t be able to have Mason now. Jason doesn’t notice that Devan seems to be taking the situation rather personally. He’s too sad.

How would you react if you were Jason or Devan? Do you think Jason should be upset with Mason or Amanda?

Vocab X

into v.

like romantically

I think he's great, but I can't tell if he's into me or not.

taking it personally expr.

to feel deeply affected by some news or event, as though it's a comment on you and who you are

There's no need to take it personally. We just don't want to hire you because you don't have certain skills we're looking for. That's all.

text messages n.

typed out words sent from phone to phone

It'll be too loud to talk so send me a text message when you get to the show and I'll come out and find you.

take it slow v.

to proceed slowly, usually in a romantic relationship

We're taking it slow. We haven't slept together yet.

constitute v.

qualify as, count as

Well, I have a couple of bottles of alcohol. I don't think that really constitutes a bar.

I can take it expr.

I can handle/deal with it

I can take it if my favorite team loses, but not every game!

out of the picture expr.

irrelevant; no longer important; dead

Now that the best team in the league lost and is out of the picture, anyone could win the championship.

figures v.

makes sense considering my bad luck

So I didn't get the promotion again? Well, that figures.

seeing v.

romantically involved with

I've been seeing a couple of different people pretty casually.

vibrating v.

phone ringing on vibrate

I didn't think he was going to call at all, but at about midnight I started vibrating. I was so surprised, I almost dropped the phone!

I am Legend

I Am Legend


Mar 12 2008


It’s a familiar concept to us now, but when Richard Matheson wrote his novel I Am Legend in 1954, the idea of a world completely destroyed by disease was relatively new.

The book, which describes a disease that turns people into monsters that resemble both vampires and zombies, was made into a film for the third time in 2007. Will Smith has the difficult task of playing the last man on Earth. Devan thinks he pulls it off, but Mason’s not so sure.


Devan: Have you seen I am Legend yet?

Mason: Uh, kind of, I practically fell asleep during it. It wasn’t really my kind of thing.

Devan: Oh. How come?

Mason: I don’t know. I’m not a huge Will Smith fan and the whole post-apocalyptic thing just…

Devan: Yeah, I’m not really into that either, but I heard he did a really good job in it. Having to do all that dialog on his own must have been really challenging. I guess it wouldn’t be dialog…I guess that would be monologue...

Mason: Technically. But you know, whatever. He talks to the dog so you can call it a dialog, if you want. The dog barks a few times. But seriously, to me he’s not the kind of actor that carries a movie that, like that I’d go see a movie just for Will Smith in it.

Devan: Just to see Will Smith talking…

Mason: But, listen, some of it had some compelling scenes. I know it was based on an old science fiction book and there are some other adaptations that I heard are better.

Devan: I saw the Charlton Heston version…

Mason: That was The Omega Man, right?

Devan: That was terrible.

Mason: Ha!

Devan: But I heard that the original, original one, which is called something else.

Mason: The Alpha Man?

Devan: Something like that. I heard the original one is great.


Mason says he almost fell asleep while watching I Am Legend because Will Smith is on-screen alone so much of the time and he’s not a huge Will Smith fan.

Devan says that an earlier version of the film that stars Charlton Heston isn’t any good, but that the first adaptation of the book (which is actually called The Last Man on Earth, not The Alpha Man) is the best.

What actor do you think could pull off a movie full of monologues?

Grammar Point

Sometimes if you’re talking about a lot of objects, it helps to repeat an adjective so people will know what you’re talking about. Notice how Devan calls the first movie made from the book, “the original, original.” She doesn’t want Mason to get confused and think she’s talking another early version of the film she already mentioned.

For instance, if someone said, “Today is the last day to turn in your assignment,” and you didn’t know that, and you’re about to panic, you might say, “The last, last day?” meaning, “Is it really the last day?”

Vocab X

monologue n.

speech; when one person talks

I have to memorize a ten-minute monologue for the audition for the play.

adaptation n.

when a book is made into a movie

I thought American Psycho was a great adaptation from the book.

post-apocalyptic adj.

after the end of the world

Your computer is pretty post-apocalyptic, dude. Are those wires poking out of it?

my thing expr.

something I like to do

I don't want to go to the club tonight. Dancing's not really my thing.

I don't want to go to the club tonight. Dancing's not really my thing.

practically adv.

might as well have; basically

I was practically up all night there was so much noise.

pull it off v.

succeed at something difficult

I really want to be a full time student and work full time, but I don't know if I can pull it off.

science fiction n.

imaginary stories related to science or the future

My favorite science fiction show is Star Trek.

compelling adj.

interesting, intriguing, demanding attention

This book I'm reading is really compelling. I can't stop reading it. I want to find out what happens next.

carry v.

support, sustain; be responsible for the success

Michael Jordan often had to carry his team because he was the best player.

technically adv.

in accordance with a strict interpretation of the rules

It's hard to believe, but technically you don't have to pay rent if your kitchen sink is broken.




Mar 20 2008


”...Just scrambling around tryingPublish Post to get my last minute things together for the Asian tour upon which we are about to depart.”

- Mickey Madden of Maroon 5 has a lot to do before he leaves town. (MySpace)


to be mixed up, confused, unorganized or very busy


Diners in America are full of morning customers ordering scrambled eggs, toast, and coffee. But what do scrambled eggs and Mickey Madden scrambling around have to do with each other? Both Mickey Madden of Maroon 5 and the eggs are mixed up, out of order and hurrying to get ready.

Scrambled eggs are stirred or beaten before they are cooked. As Maroon 5 rushes around to get ready for their big tour, the band feels unorganized, confused and mixed up. It seems like they have to move in all directions at once, which is how you cook scrambled eggs.
But besides scrambling around to get stuff done, you can use scramble to talk about minds or thoughts too. If your mind is scrambled, it means your thoughts are really chaotic and unorganized.
So go ahead and USE it!


“I have been scrambling around at work trying to finish my projects.
My thoughts are all scramble, what am I supposed to be doing?”

Grammar Point

You might hear people on TV shows about the military use scramble when they’re talking about radios. Criminals can scramble signals. They make the radio signal unorganized, so that people can’t understand it.
To learn more about scrambled eggs and even how to make them at home, read this user lesson on writing recipes and making scrambled eggs.