Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Feb 06 2008


Has a new movie theater been built near you lately? Chances are it’s huge on the outside but tiny on the inside. How can that be?

Most new theaters that being built are multiplexes where they have a few dozen auditoriums in one building. It means there’s a lot more movies to choose from, but a lot of times the screen is smaller. Listen to Jason and Marni talk about multiplexes.


Jason: I just saw Beowulf in this theater and it was, like, only slightly bigger than my living room.

Marni: Oh.

Jason: You know what I mean? Like multiplexes where there’s like 20 theaters but each screen is like 11 feet by 11 feet and there’s about five rows of people. It’s really weird.

Marni: That’s definitely not the way to see that movie in particular. I saw it at the Imax so it was like a huge theater. But sometimes I kind of like it if it’s a more intimate movie, just a good drama or something or just a good comedy. You kind of have this intimate feeling and I like sitting up high because I’m short so it’s nice for me to see. I like the way they’re designed. But there are certain movies like a big action movie you need a big, full…

Jason: That’s interesting that you like them though. I hadn’t really been to a theater of that size before, a multiplex. I’m just used to this big theater, where it’s, like, an experience you could never get anywhere else. But it just sort of felt like, “I could just be watching this on a projector in a classroom or at my friend’s house if they had a big TV,” or something. But I guess the intimacy thing would be good. You wouldn’t feel ripped off if it was a little drama movie or something.

Marni: Yeah, I guess you don’t in that respect. But with a film like Beowulf, you need the big, full-on sound. So you kind of got ripped off.

Jason: Oh well.


Jason saw Beowulf at a multiplex and didn’t think it did the movie justice. The screen was small, and the theater didn’t hold many people.

Marni says she likes multiplexes for movies that are OK to watch on a smaller screen like dramas and comedies. Multiplex theaters usually have a steeper (if shorter) incline, which makes it easier for Marni, who is pretty short, to see.

It hadn’t occurred to Jason that some movies might be suited for a multiplex. He and Marni agree that Beowulf isn’t one of them. Marni saw it on a big, giant screen at a museum and really enjoyed it.

What type of movie theater do you prefer?

Vocab X

action film n.

movie filled with action; movie that contains a lot of dangerous activities and stunts

Jackie Chan action films are usually full of fighting and cool stunts.

incline n.

the angle at which the ground is tilted

The street is on a slight incline, so the rain doesn't form puddles here.

intimate adj.

private, personal

I keep the personal details of my life secret. I am not very intimate with most people.

Imax n.

big theaters with curved screens, usually housed in museums

The Imax is showing The Wall. That would be a great movie to see there. We should go!

auditorium n.

a performance room for music, movies or theater

The dance recital is in the big auditorium, the one that holds 200 people.

chances are expr.

it is likely that

Chances are you won't be able to find my place unless I give you really good directions.

steep adj.

at a sharp angle

The hill was so steep, she couldn't get her wheelchair up it.

did it justice v.

represented it fully or well

I saw Guns N' Roses at an arena, but I don't think it really did them justice. I wish I could see them in a small club.

ripped off expr.

stole, robbed

My dad caught the boy in our neighborhood who ripped off my brother's bike.

projector n.

a little machine that makes a big image on a wall

I think the projector is dirty. There's a weird spot in the images.